March 12, 2021
This week I am joined by Mark Hatfield, Director of Conservation Services for the National Wild Turkey Federation. Mark and I talk about a variety of topics including:
– Covid impact on the NWTF
– Founding of the NWTF
– Current turkey studies being done
– Impact of predator management (trapping) on turkey populations
– Recruiting new hunters
– Pittman Robertson Act
National Wild Turkey Federation
The mission of the National Wild Turkey Federation is no less urgent today than when it was founded in 1973. What we do in the coming decades will be instrumental in not only enhancing wild turkey populations but also in the continuation of hunting and quality wildlife habitat for countless species.
To find out more about what the NWTF, an event in your area or to become a member:
Apex Ammunition
Apex has combined material science and physics to create the best patterning shotshell the world has ever seen. From 10 gauge to 410 and everything in between, they’ve created the new standard against which all shotshell ammunition is measured against.