Apex Fireside

Episode 84 – The Highs And Lows Of Hunting A Once In A Lifetime Buck With Traditional Archery Tackle w/ Cory Gulvas

January 8, 2021

On this week’s episode, I had the opportunity to chat with Cory Gulvas, from North Central Pennsylvania. Cory is a very passionate shed hunter and traditional archery enthusiast. Cory combs through many miles of rugged terrain on the public lands in 8 Pennsylvania counties during shed season, in pursuit of whitetail deer shed antlers. He has come to know many old bucks, but a few years ago he found a shed unlike any other he has found. Cory hunted this buck for the next three seasons but never encountered the buck in person, having only gotten night time trail camera photos of him.  Cory was able to capitalize on an opportunity at this old buck in the early part of the Pennsylvania archery season, and succeeded in killing this old buck, one that is currently one of the largest bucks ever taken in Pennsylvania. Cory shares the story of how he found this magnificent buck, and the details leading up until he finally encounters this buck. 



Episode 83 - The Bird Dog Allure w/ Ben Brettingen


Episode 85 - Rut Hunting Strategies w/ Anthony Virga

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