Apex Fireside
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EP 121 – American Roots Outdoors w/ Alex Rutledge

April 30, 2022

On this weeks Fireside Chat Heath and I are talking turkey with Alex Rutledge, of American Roots Outdoors. Alex shares with us some of his proven turkey hunting and calling techniques to help make you more successful this spring!


American Roots Outdoors 

AROTV depicts and captures the reality side of hunting, fishing,  and the cultures of friends, faith, and heritages, as well as our  Constitutional rights.  AROTV is about “US”, every true outdoorsman or  woman, and American Christians.  Our motto is, “When your roots are deep  and strong, there is no reason to fear the wind”.






Apex Ammunition

Apex handloads the highest quality TSS ammunition made available to the hunter today. These are the only TSS rounds I will trust my hunts to for turkey, upland and waterfowl. 




EP 120 - Pennsylvania Youth Turkey Calling Champion w/ Bo Bartlebaugh


EP 122- Talking Turkey w/ Harold Knight

Apex Ammunition Logo
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